Come respira una piuma
Marcello Florita
The Breath of a Feather
Francesca and Filippo, the protagonists of this novel, are two twins born in the sixth month and a half of pregnancy. This is their story, the story of two little children who, together with their parents, are facing a painful path far from the "miracle of life". TIN (Neonatal Intensive Care) is a "non-place" where the birth and recognition of one's parenting is a slow and troubled process that passes through three obligatory steps marked by different levels of contact with one's puppy. It’s the place where it is never allowed to celebrate, but where there are timid conquests alternate with the daily fears: a contact, a breastfeeding, or the first spontaneous breath.
In this story, a conception of paternity is outlined that is very different from that usually told: a delicate game of relationships whose rules are written on the sand.